Keikyu Love Train? What’s a love train? Get your mind out of the gutter! The Love Train is another limited time item in Japan during the month of February. It coincides with Valentines Day (surprise, surprise). Thing is, it’s harder to find than you would think, as rumor has it the Keikyu Line only update one of their trains with it. After three Valentines Day’s in Japan, I finally found one! Now, the Keikyu train line is what I take every day to work when I don’t bike or run. You’d think it wouldn’t take that long but they are sneaky about it. It’s not every train. It’s not every car.
Valentines Day in Japan
Japan treats Valentines Day differently that American’s do. It’s only girls that give out chocolate. There is obligatory chocolate that you give friends and coworkers. Then there is the real deal that you give to the person you like.
If you are a guy and received chocolate, you reciprocate a month later on March 14th otherwise known as “white day“. As in America, it’s very commercialized with special displays in department stores for what seems like hundreds of different candy options.
From the small 4 piece options you might give a friend, to large boxes that rival anything you would find in America. One difference, you don’t tend to see heart shaped boxes. They are all very nicely packaged but heart shaped doesn’t seem to be as big of a thing.
Luck of the Love Train
Keikyu Line is sneaky. As Valentines Day approaches they put advertisements ALL over the train that the “Love Train” is coming. I remember thinking my first year here, “cool! I’ll see something different”. Whereas I thought they would do this on every train, that was not the case.
This is apparent when a friend would find one and selfies would be popping up on my Facebook feed. When I found one? EVERYONE was taking pictures, selfies, etc. It’s a thing. Japan loves

Seat head rest covers. Based on this, the “traveler” cars (those with more substantial seats) are the only trains that would have the special cars. I looked at the next car down, no special love train paraphenial!!

Those that live or have visited Japan — have you seen a love train?