Find the best simple, fresh Alfresco Dining in Yokosuka

Finding the best simple, fresh alfresco restaurant in Yokosuka Japan

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As much as I love Japan, it’s slacking in one area. Alfresco dining. There’s just something about eating outside that makes me happy.  Sure, there are beer garden options in the summer, but it’s hard to find them all year. And why not?! That’s what heat lamps are for, as demonstrated by many locales in Queenstown when I was there (trust me, it’s cold down there in winter).  We do have one local saving grace for alfresco dining in Yokosuka: Coneli.

What makes alfresco dining in Yokosuka fun?

I think I’ve mentioned it before, for a town of 300,000, it’s very easy to see people you know.  Especially downtown when everyone walks down the main street to get to the train station after work.  I love sitting outside and drinking a beer or glass of wine and people watching.  It’s super fun when there is one of the many street fairs we have during the year, that’s probably the best.

If being tons of people you may know bothers you, you can head up to Sakuragicho and pay a visit to The Butchers Shop for another alfresco option.

I think in America it would be common to have a back yard grill with your friends. Here, its much more common to go out due to the size of people’s houses.  It’s just nice and relaxing, it’s also nice because they don’t mind me sitting there with my laptop :).

They have really good atmosphere as well on the deck and tend to play music I enjoy. And one plus even with all that? No table charge!

On to the food!

Coneli has changed ownership/name a few times since I’ve gotten here and this is my favorite establishment so far.  It’s Italian and has really yummy salads (another of my hard to find commodities), pasta, and pizza.  Thin crust, brick-oven style.  More personal-sized, my friends and I like getting a few to share.

Pizza? In Japan?! While it might not be top of your musttry foods in Japan, give it a try, it might just surprise you. Even the take out variety.

Dining alfresco on pizza and wine in Yokosuka Japan

They have about 8 wines to choose from that aren’t too expensive and Italian beer in bottles along with Carlsberg on draft (don’t ask me how that one makes sense but at least it’s something different).

Salads are hard to find in Japan and taste great sitting outside with a glass of wine

The salads a good size and tasty!

Have you found good alfresco dining in Yokosuka? Share the wealth below!

alfresco dining in yokosuka

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